Friday, March 30, 2007


I could really do with a change of skin right now, last night I was thinking or rather imagining myself, a naked three year old trotting along the beach the gentle breeze caressing my body and the gentle sun rays bathing my entire being.

It was such a nice feeling while it lasted, until I had to come back to the harsh reality that it was just an imagination. Anyway my imaginations are not always thus inclined, its just something I’m passing through. I feel numb to everything going on around me; its just like one minute you’re being tickled with a thousand feathers and you’re giggling your head off and the next minute you just go numb like someone just flicked a switch the wrong way, you can’t feel a thing, you’re scared, really frustrating right?

We sometimes feel we know where we’re headed, we imagine we know what we’re doing and so we set off; 24hrs, 7days…a month, 1year, hey we seem to be doing just fine but wait!, all of a sudden we realize…we took the wrong turn like 10months ago and we need to track back but unfortunately, the sands of time have drifted over our footprints and we’re lost in the middle of nowhere (imagine yourself in a vacuum screaming help! Damn it, no one can hear you), so you get the picture, I don’t want to make such a mistake.

I’ve got this thing for perfection; I imagine, I must have the perfect job, the perfect status, live the perfect way of life, have perfect dates, a perfect wife and then subsequently perfect kids but lately I’ve come to learn that life isn’t perfect and that’s annoying, really annoying and that’s what got me imagining in the first place. OK, Suppose we could all start over again, suppose we could all be three year olds again and then think and act differently, maybe there would be perfect people on earth, perfect dates, perfect everything. But we can’t all be perfect,…or can we? Well, I’ve also learnt one other thing lately,

“perfection is in the eyes of the beholder.”

Think about it…

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