Thursday, October 2, 2008


I guess thats the name of the book I'm currently writing (for now, I haven't picked a name for it yet. I didn't tell you?...well, I'm writing a book. Its intended to be a love story about two people who meet by a twist of fate, they both don't believe in love at first sight, so they keep seeing each other hoping things will work or maybe not. Thats the snag, I don't know how the book will end myself but I'm willing to just keep on writing. Its a story about love, fun, the beauty of life and its accompanying sorrows, I love it and I think you will. It has changed my life completely. :)

I've gotten about 10pages under already, have to filter the things I write as the days pass. I don't want to talk too much about it so I don't hit a writer's block as in my last book.

However I'll try to post excerpts from it when I'm almost done, so just keep looking in (for those that do). Well thats it, got to run now,...later.


Buttercup said...

Sounds like what i'd love to read..i'm a sucker for love stories, they give me some kinda, uh,

Tyrex said...

Excerpts coming soon ;)...Pls check back.