Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bla Bla Bla

One of my new year resolutions this year was to be a better Christian, I started on a good footing, three chapter from the Bible every morning, pray seriously before going to bed, you know generally be good and all that, well by May I stopped reading my Bible regularly and then I’d just utter a few words before dozing off.

Anyway, lately I’ve been thinking…I should get back on the straight and narrow. Makes me feel better and I guess its all we should do right? I mean we didn’t get here by chance, I for one do not believe in evolution. So we were created by someone so we should try to live as such a Being designed Abi?

Well, I’ve been making some changes lately, started a lil though; one verse of the bible a day. I chose proverbs. Chapters are shorter and then they make sense generally in everyday life. Maybe when I’m done I’ll try some other book like, lets see…Corinthians? OK. I wonder why they don’t have books arranged alphabetically? Would have made sense, after reading “P”, move on to “Q”.

Yes! lest I forget, I saw a shooting star some time ago I had just stepped out onto the porch at night, I needed to pick up something at a shop nearby. Then I looked up and just in that split second it passed. I suddenly remembered what I’d been hearing about shooting stars and wishes, so I made two (2) then dashed inside to tell my mum,…yes my mum. Surprised? Well, we’re so close, she sometimes calls me her PA, I’m closer to her than anyone in the family. So like I was saying I told her about it, said she saw one when she was much younger and wished for long life.

Hmm I didn’t think of that when I made my own wishes. Anyway sha, I hope they come true. If they do, I’ll sure let the whole world know.


Admin UD said...

New year resolutiongs are always so easy to break. I gave up making them when i know i'll always break them.

But, hey, it's worth giving a try abegi, dont let my backliding stitude negatively influence you :)

An-Igbo-Dude said...

ok, is it ok if i asked what u wished?

that way we will follow u rejoice when it happens

nice blog.first time here

keep it up

unshined congo said...

make sure u read dat Bible oh.its a good thing dat ure close to God(i guess).dont even let me start preaching for u oh!!lol