Saturday, June 9, 2007

My Art Life – 2

Yesterday was children’s day here in Nigeria, and I was just thinking…you know how we always said what we would love to be when we grew up. When I was growing up, I heard a lot of; “I want to become an Engineer”, “I want to become a Doctor”, “… a Lawyer”, “… a banker”, “… an accountant” and so on. I never once heard “I want to be a farmer” or “shoemaker”, or “trader”, maybe a “cook”, or even an “artist”! so as a young boy, I followed suit, I wanted to be a Doctor (don’t get me wrong, I still want to be a doctor) and I followed my dream; I’m currently training to become a Doctor (although at some point in my life, I wanted to be an Engineer too)

Well after meeting John Duey, Armin Mersmann and Linda (via their websites), I think I’ve come to that point in my life where I’m beginning to think that maybe I want to become an artist, a graphite artist to be precise. Don’t start persecuting me just yet, till you hear how that came to be. I’ve been drawing since I was a kid and I actually got better as the days passed. Well, I never thought of going professional until I visited Linda’s site and realized she charged $200.00 per single-person pencil portrait and that was the least she was charging.

Anyway things got really serious when I visited Duey’s site and saw a link directing me to Armin Mersmann’s site. I’d heard of Armin before and seen the link too but I never gave it a thought. A few days ago, I finally visited his site and now I almost wish I didn’t (well,…almost). Bottom line is I discovered Armin sells his pencil portraits for anything in the range of a whooping $6,000.00 and upwards.

Now that you know my reasons, I’m sure you won’t blame me too much for wanting to become a graphite artist. I’ve got a lot of what it takes, and I’m acquiring the rest. I’ve also improved greatly in my art since My Art life, but I just can’t back out of Medicine now; I’ve gone quite far and I intend to see it to completion, but who says I can’t be an “artist-doctor” or a “doctor-artist” eh?

1 comment:

bumight said...

I'm liking the doctor-artist thingy.i'm all for having a life while in med school. what year are you in?